This is a hybrid publication that uses wordpress in a new way: as an evolving self-seminar. Rather than publish as an e-book, I offer segments here to explore for increasing your creativity based on my over twenty years as a creative professional. The series online gets better as each gets polished, gains feedback, and is personally enhancing. Begin your creative journey here and find a deeper development of your talents.
glass inspiration

Part 1: The Positioned Mind weaves together a foundational tapestry for creative thinking. Like any great endeavor, a journey takes preparation: shopping for materials, packing the right equipment, and choosing a road map. Create the environment to be creative:

Idea Incubator 1: “Set Up to Start” Get rid of what is in the way of developing creative energy.

 Idea Incubator 2: “Collaborative Seeds” Focus on setting up a foundation that uses the best of talents.

Idea Incubator 3: “Focusing Expectations to Efforts” Match expectations with talents and goals.

#4: “Choosing Change” Insert flexibility and perspective into plans.

#5: “Determine a Creative Base” Wearing various organizational hats is the input for creative focus.

#6: “Risk: The Dark Side of Creativity” Set criteria for taking risks. There can be no creativity without risks, so be sure to choose the most productive and most viable.

#7: “Ignite Creative Collaboration” Get everyone on the same page.

#8: “Master Things to Do” Organize and prioritize a strategy to maximize time use.

Part 2: The Creative Mind explores the best ways to come up with great ideas.

#9: “The Creative Compass” Match conviction to circumstance.

#10: “Origins of Originality” Explore methods to generate original ideas.

#11: “Temper Perfectionism”  Set limits to avoid counterproductivity.

#12: “Flexible Responses” Manage flexibility to encourage creativity.

#13: “Expand Perception” Collect approaches, ideas, tricks, and techniques to keep batteries charged.

#14: “The Most Creative Question” Explore the process through the most impactful question.

#15: “Solitary Brainstorms” Generate meaningful ideas. Brainstorming begins with a solitary exploration.

#16: “Gauging Good Ideas” Determine which ideas are worth pursuing.

Part 3: The Focused Mind uses passion and planning to achieve the most worthwhile goals.

#17: “Passion Rules”  Time and resource investment is a self-portrait and a prediction.

#18: “Productive Passion” Follow emotional sign posts to form a viabile project plan.

#19: “Maintain Motivational Momentum” Edit ideas ruthlessly and then follow the best ones passionately.

#20: “Presentation Passion” Focus  passions through a strong presentation strategy.

#21: “The Best Project Editor” Audience feedback unites interests with needs.

#22: “Propelling Passion Daily”  Ask questions regularly to do the right things with strength.

#23: “Relying on Resources” Make the most with what you have.

#24: “Emotions as Creative Guideposts” Reactions  indicate worthwhile goals.

The online portion of The Idea Initiator concludes with #24Segments can be used in any sequence, revisiting like an old friend to remind and revise. As a companion, keep a running check on priorities, originality, and rejuvenation to create a flow for developing the best directions. But this is not the end of the process. Though it places you on your best path, you can go further.

The Persistent MindThe Producing Mind, and The Synthesizing Mind,
please email me at

 Liane Sebastian, illustrator, designer, writer, and publishing pioneer

2 Comments on “START”

  1. […] you are new to this self-seminar series on enhancing creativity, please click here to START. If you are returning, here is the newest updated […]

  2. […] to improve your focus, leveraging, and originality. Ideas are nurtured by context and questions. Idea Incubator is a self-seminar or workbook. The series will enhance your ideas and help you develop new […]

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